Based on my latest bestselling book, my new show How to be Human: The Show answers every question you’ve ever had about evolution, thoughts, emotions, the body, addictions, relationships, sex, kids, the future and compassion.

We can’t stop the future from arriving, no matter what drugs we’re on. But even if nearly every part of us becomes robotic, mechanical fingers crossed we’ll still have our minds. Hopefully we’ll use them for things like compassion, instead of just chasing what ‘s ‘better ‘ like a hamster on a wheel. If we can do that, we’re on the yellow brick road to happiness.
This show will be the follow up to my sell out shows ‘Sane New World’ and ‘Frazzled’ – this time I will also have a little help from the neuroscientist and the monk in the second half of the show: monk Gelong Thubten, who explains how the mind works, and neuroscientist Ash Ranpura who explains where everything that makes us ‘us’ can be found in the brain.
Outrageously witty and smart, blending brilliant comedy and insightful life lessons, How to be Human is the show you need to help you upgrade your mind as much as you’ve upgraded your iPhone.
06 Nov 2019
Swansea Grand Theatre