BLOG | March 24, 2020

Swansea Council has cancelled or postponed all cultural and tourism events it had organised until the end of August.

Cancelled events include the July 4-5 Wales Airshow and July’s Swansea Special Festival.The city centre-based Clean Air Roadshow on June 20 and two outdoor theatre events at Oystermouth Castle in August have currently been postponed until further notice

Event partners and businesses are being informed.

Robert Francis-Davies, the council’s cabinet member for investment, regeneration and tourism, said: “We’ve made this decision to cancel or postpose council-organised events based on advice from Government and Public Health Wales. We’ll review the August end date on a regular basis.

“We haven’t taken this decision lightly but the situation is now compelling. Trying to curtail the spread of the virus along with maintaining the health and wellbeing of our staff, public, suppliers and the emergency services is paramount.

“We face possibly the most challenging situation that any of us has ever faced and we’re sure that event businesses and supporters will understand this decision.

“We know the importance of public events organised by the council but, for now, it’s essential that we do what we can to reduce the spread of the virus.

“This decision will reduce the risk of loss of life and will allow us to get back to putting on events as quickly as possible.

“At present, we’re advising our external event providers that they must satisfy themselves that they are doing all they need to in order to meet the Government  guidelines and to safeguard the public. We will continue to review this in partnership with them as the situation evolves.”

Swansea Council’s Events Team remains available to provide advice and support to partner businesses. Email: special.events@swansea.gov.uk.

Last week the council suspended services offered by venues such as museums, galleries, outdoor leisure and recreation facilities and theatres.

More info: www.swansea.gov.uk/coronavirusadvice.