BLOG | November 18, 2019

Thousands of people turn out to watch the 2019 Swansea city centre Christmas parade and Light's Switch On

They saw hundreds of local people take part in the parade as the festive season was ushered in.

The event formed part of the 50th anniversary city status celebrations.

There were marching bands, colourful floats, festive film characters, Christmas inflatables, Santa in his sleigh and some special effects.

There were young performers from Swansea drama and dance groups.

Local choirs and vocalists entertained city centre visitors at performance points as spectators awaited the arrival of the parade.


The parade began at the foot of Wind Street and wound through a number of streets before ending on The Kingsway.

This event was delivered by Swansea Council with support from official radio partner The Wave and Swansea Sound.

A council spokesperson said: “We’d like to say a big thank-you to all those who took part in the parade. We were delighted by the number local people who all made such a fantastic effort to bring their own special performances in order to entertain the crowds.”



We’d like to say a very special thank you to all the community groups, dancers, performers, princes and princesses, superheroes, choirs, carol singers and everyone else who took part in this year’s parade and helped to make it one of the biggest and best ever.

Thanks to; 

Superhero Patrol, Crazy Characters, Happily Ever After Swansea,  Fairytale Moments, Magical Dance Parties, The City Of Swansea Pipe Band, 215 City of Swansea Squadron ATC, Mellin Theatre Arts, Swansea Dance Twerk Team, Maria Evans Academy Of Dance, Zumba with Sion, Class Act Theatre School, Jermin Productions, Little Theatre Co., Small World Theatre, Joan Williams Stage School, Company J, Bernadette Jones School of Irish Dancing, Swansea Dancing Samba, Bonymaen Kids Play Initiative, Carly Lewis School of Dance, Rising Stars Theatre Group, Circus Eruption, Rock Choir, Dancerama Wales, Nataya, Loughor Town Band, Bloco Vale Samba, Swansea Silver Rhythmaires, Swansea Grand Theatre, Menter Iaith Abertawe, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Mrs Balloons, DVLA Choir, Worldbeaters Music, Thingumajig Theatre