
Prom like a Pro

C 29th August 2017

Back in Swansea for the 12th time, get set for an atmospheric and thoroughly British night of music courtesy of the BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales at BBC Proms in the Park! Enjoy special guests – soul singer Mica Paris (performing Ella Fitzgerald classics), Welsh soprano and West End star Rebecca Trehearn, and saxophonist Jess Gillam BBC Young Musician 2016 finalist. Get your tickets here now!

Unlike any other event, you can’t just turn up with your ticket, phone, purse and keys (well you can, but it’s not as much fun). Oh no. The Proms requires a much greater degree of preparation, and with just three weeks to go, we thought we’d help you out with our BBC Proms in the Park Checklist to ensure you know how to prom like an absolute pro!


The Proms and flags go together like cockles and laverbread. One without the other works, but it’s not quite right. Union Jacks, Welsh Dragons – Prommers unite and get those flags flying! Just to clarify, we’re not talking huge Glastonbury style flag poles here – more the hand held type that you can wave to your heart’s content without spoiling anyone’s view!

The Picnic

Food and drink will be available to purchase on site, but you can also bring your own. Dig out the cool bags, get the Prosecco on ice, pack the picnic blanket, find the paper plates and enjoy your very own Proms Picnic. From smoked salmon blinis to good old scotch eggs, anything goes at the Proms (it is not uncommon to spot a fully stocked cheese board) – just keep any alcohol you bring to a reasonable quantity.

Singing Voice

With its rousing programme of orchestral favourites and sing-a-long classics, make sure you are fully prepared to hum and sing your way through the evening. Even if you’re not the singing in public type, we defy anyone not to at least hum along to Land of Hope and Glory. If it’s really not your thing, some foot tapping will suffice.

Appropriate Clothing

This can be interpreted in a number of ways. It can mean layers in case it gets a little chilly later on, waterproofs in case it gets wet (unlikely in Swansea, we know) and it can also mean classic ‘proms attire’ (think everything from Union Jack bow ties and dresses, to musical socks and Welsh daffodil hats).


Last but not least, make sure you get to and from the Proms safely. Read all about parking arrangements and other transport information here. No-one wants to be stranded covered in flags.