
Mumbles Oyster & Seafood Festival 2013

C 19th September 2013

Thursday 17 – Sunday 20 October 2013


Mumbles Oyster & Seafood Festival 2013

It’s coming back . . . and it will be bigger than ever.

Following the success of last year’s inaugural event, Mumbles Oyster & Seafood
Festival 2013
 has been extended to a four-day celebration – from 17th – 20th October – of the Mumbles
Oyster and Inshore Fisheries of MumblesGower and Swansea Bay. It will run from Thursday to Sunday
and the whole of Mumbles will take on a marine theme.

The main festival marquee will be located in Southend Gardens where entertainment will include live sea
shanty music, cooking demonstrations and tasters from local chefs, pirate circus workshops and live
performances from Mumbles’ Captain of the Sea and a visit from Captain Jack Sparrow. Local bars and
restaurants will be encouraged to offer themed menus as part of the festival.

The Saturday will see a Produce Market at Southend Parking (opposite the Mermaid Restaurant) from 10am
– 4pm where festival-goers will be able to sample the delights of local cuisine.

An ‘Under the Sea’ themed parade will take place at 2pm on the Saturday and will march along the
promenade. Local primary schools will be invited to take part, and all those participating will be encouraged
to wear nautical fancy dress. Captain Jack Sparrow will head up the parade and it is hoped that local
mascots will adopt a nautical theme.

There will be live music over the weekend, including local favourites The Contenders and Shoal of Bass, a
20 piece Big Band and a special appearance by Spanish superstar chef Omar Allibhoy. A full programme of
events will be announced later this month and for the ticketed events, tickets will be available in advance
from Mumbles Tourist Information Centre (Tel: 01792 361302).

Robin Bonham, Director of Mumbles Development Trust said, “the festival was a great success last year and
we look forward to making it bigger and better this year. Working with other local organisations we hope to
make this an annual event.”

The Festival will again be organised by Mumbles Development Trust, funded by the Welsh
Government. Working with Mumbles Traders Association and Mumbles Tourist Information Centre.
Marine related activities will also take place in the week leading up to the festival, including an exhibition at
Oriel Bach Gallery, Dunns Lane, Mumbles from Tuesday 15th – Sunday 20th October.