
Monday deadline for Swansea in Bloom entries

C 28th June 2013

Green-fingered residents, communities and businesses have just days left to enter Swansea in Bloom 2013


Clyne Gardens, Swansea Bay

Entry forms for the annual Swansea in Bloom competition have to be filled in and sent back by 5pm on Monday July 1 at the latest.

The competition, now in its 21st year, is run by a voluntary group with help from Swansea Council’s parks development team.

The 15 categories include best large business premises, best front garden, and best pub, café or restaurant. Best green gardener and best garden open to charity are new categories for 2013.

Cllr Nick Bradley, Swansea Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration, said: “This competition helps make Swansea a rainbow of colour every summer and generates healthy competition among residents and businesses in communities across the city.

“We’re lucky enough to live in one of the most stunning parts of the UK but this scheme helps complement the award-winning natural scenery we have the chance to enjoy every day.

“The more people that take part the better, so I’d encourage anyone who’s undecided to take the plunge and get their forms in. Gardening can be tremendously satisfying and helps improve the look of entire neighbourhoods too.”

Have a look at http://www.swansea.gov.uk/swanseainbloom  for more information or to download an entry form. You can also pick up hard copies of the entry forms from theSwansea Tourist Information Centre on Plymouth Street

Judges will then be out and about during the last week of July before a shortlisted group of entrants for each category is invited to a presentation ceremony in August