
A wonderland journey through a thicket of memories, dreams and missed opportunities is the latest new production from ‘Welsh theatre legends’ Volcano.

Previews 26 – 28 May. ALL PREVIEW TICKETS £5!
Performances 8 – 18 June TICKETS £5 – £20

Sincere as Objects is a collaboration between Volcano and the artist known as @bourdonbrindille, featuring @andre_bullock and @helenegregers1.

What’s different about Sincere as Objects? It reverses the usual relationship between the idea and the design. Usually, design follows the text used in performance. For example, if we are performing Macbeth, designers create a heath or a castle, or perhaps just darkness. But what would designers do without these sacred texts or ideas? What dreamilke things might happen if performance is led by design? Sincere as Objects starts from this point – the wrong way round and back to front.

Inspired by Alain Resnais’ Hiroshima Mon Amour and the work of Alan Garner,

26 May - 18 Jun
01792 464790