
Join local marine biologist Judith Oakley on a free marine wildlife educational event

  • Bracelet Bay Seashore Safari – Sat 7th August 11.30am
  • Port Eynon Bay Seashore Safari – Sunday 8th August 12pm
  • Oxwich Bay Seashore Safari – Monday 9th August 12.30pm
  • Bracelet Bay Seashore Safari – Friday 13th August 3pm
  • Langland Bay Seashore Safari – Sunday 22 August 12pm
  • Worms Head Causeway Seashore Safari – Thursday 26 August 2.30pm
  • Bracelet Bay Seashore Safari – Friday 27th August 3.30pm
  • Worms Head Causeway Seashore Safari – Sunday 5th September 12pm

Children (ages 3+) must be accompanied by an responsible adult. Events last approx. 2 hours. Car park charges may apply. No nets or dogs allowed but bring your own bucket. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear with good grip, for walking on rocks.

Booking essential for all events

To book and for further information;

07 Aug - 05 Sep