
Walk Summary

Walk grade: Easy
Route type: Circular
Suitable for: All
Terrain: Coastal paths, flight of steps. Surface varies from hard, firm to smooth and uneven
Start: Langland Bay car park (pay and display)
Finish: Langland Bay car park
Distance: 2 miles
Average time: 1-2 hours
Public Transport: Yes
Car parking: Yes, at Langland Bay (pay and display)
Public toilets: Yes, at Langland Bay
Safety Information: The route crosses the golf course – look out for airborne golf balls! Also, this walking route involves flights of steps.


  • Although this stretch of the Gower coast is quite close to the bustling village of Mumbles, the wildlife found here is common to Gower as a whole. In the skies look out for the rare chough – only 3 or 4 pairs live on Gower. It can be distinguished from the similar crow by its distinct call and red beak and legs.
  • Other relatively rare birds are the peregrine falcon and raven, and you may also see (or hear) green woodpecker, skylark, buzzards, goldfinch, bullfinch and stone chat.
  • In the sea, grey seals are a common sight, bobbing up and down off shore. You may also be lucky enough to see the rarer porpoises or even a basking shark.
  • On shore you may come across slow worms, common lizards and adders basking in the summer sunshine, however although common they are shy creatures and usually difficult to spot.
  • As well as abundant gorse and heather the flowers of the rare yellow whitlow grass can be seen in April.
  • Look at the cliffs between Caswell and Langland to see if you can spot any formations in the rocks. The rock formations here are geologically important and have been designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

The above information is an extract from: Walking for Health, produced by the City and County of Swansea.

Route Map

If this walk sounds good to you, there’s plenty more information in this handy route map put together by the City & County of Swansea Countryside Access team. Put your best foot forward; download this great little walking route guide and get your walking boots on. 

More Information

Swansea Council Countryside Access team
# 01792 635746 or 01792 635230
@ countrysideaccess
i www.swansea.gov.uk/countrysideaccess

Further links
i www.baytrans.org.uk
i www.traveline-cymru.org.uk

With nearly 400 miles’ worth of rights of way, Swansea Bay offers many memorable walking routes, from short family trips, taking in many of the small churches and landmarks in the area, to routes for the more experienced, with breathtaking views of the Gower Peninsula. Find out more: