
New bins mean you can recycle on the go in Swansea

C 17th June 2013

City recycling enthusiasts are getting the chance to recycle on the go with the introduction of a range of new litter bins in Swansea


Council Logo

The Council is introducing quad bins and duo bins over the coming months as part of a campaign to encourage residents to dispose of their recycling materials as thoughtfully when they’re out and about as they do at home.

On-street quad bins will have pink and green logos and non-recyclables will have a black logo to echo the pink, green and black bags residents are used to using at home .

In areas of the city where there’s not enough room for the bigger bins, smaller ones will offer the choice between recyclables and non-recyclables.

June Burtonshaw, Cabinet Member for Place, said: “The new bins will mean residents can recycle on the go and help boost recycling rates across the city.

“The city has been operating the pink week-green week system for two years now and I think most people are used to it and will wonder why they can’t do the same thing when they’re out and about.

“Large amounts of recyclable waste like newspapers, bottles and cans in single bins when people are on the go currently go straight into general litter bins and that’s often the case whether you’re out in Swansea or any other major town or city.

“The new litter bins we’re planning to introduce will make it easy to recycle on the go by simply encouraging residents to do what they do at home with our well-established by equipping the new bins in pretty much the same way as we do with the pink week-green week recycling system.”

Currently Swansea’s recycling rate is at 48%, just below the Welsh Government target of 52% for 2013. Councils which don’t meet the target will face increased landfill costs and fines.

Under the scheme the city centre will play host to stainless steel quad bins. Blue quad bins will be available in other areas. In places where there’s not enough room for quad bins duo bins will be put in place.

£50,000 has been set aside for the project and it’s expected that the first set of bins will be introduced later this month. They will be placed in all town centres and in other busy areas throughout Swansea.